Need our help?
If you live in the TW15 postcode area and can't get about easily, we have volunteers happy to help. These are some of the things they can do for you:
- Shop or collect your prescriptions
- Provide transport to medical and other appointments and accompany you in if you need support
- Take you to visit relatives or friends in hospital
- Visit you at home for a chat if you're elderly, housebound or disabled
- Help you with form-filling or letter-writing
We can also do minor household repairs, small cleaning or gardening jobs and even dog-walking! We'll consider any reasonable request for help.
How much does it cost?
As we are all volunteers using our own cars, a small contribution towards our costs is appreciated. For example, the suggested contribution for a trip to a local doctor's surgery or a home visit is £4, or for transport to St. Peter's Hospital, £10.
If you would like our help or just want to find out more, please call us on:
07754 083502
The line is open from 9 am to 11 am, Monday to Friday.